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Tuesday 2 December 2014

                 Top 10  Blogs in the World

Over the last decade, we’ve seen blogs striking over thousand of politicians, creating and destroying industries at the same time, and offering an abundance of visual and audio entertainment. But has all this incredible change actually changed us, or just the world we live in? It was a baffling job to create this list but based on average stats, TopYaps lists the top 10 most popular blogs of the world.

10. Mashable:

The person who makes a success of living is the one who see his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication and this loyalty was strictly followed by Pete Cashmore, when he founded ‘Mashable’ at the early age of 19. In July 2005, this Internet news blog was founded in Aberdeen, Scotland and since then it has created a remarkable boldness in the history of blogging. This blog covers news of business, entertainment, mobile, online video, gadgets, web development and technology. Mashable has over 425,000 fans on Facebook and over 2 million followers on Twitter along with 30+ million monthly pageviews.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

9. Hot Air:

Hot Air is a conservative Internet broadcast network which was founded on April 24, 2006 by Michelle Malkin, an American political commentator. This blog is well known for its “Green Room” in which conservative and guest bloggers compose their own articles. In February 2010, Hot Air was purchased by Salem Communications but still it is popular for the must-read articles of its pseudonymous writer ‘Allahpundit’. In the current blogosphere, Hot Air hails in top-20 site on Technorati’s Top 100 list.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

8. Boing Boing:

This publishing entity was founded in 1988 by Mark Frauenfelder and his wife, Carla Sinclair. Earlier, Boing Boing was a magazine but due to the expectation of boom in Internet world, it was converted into a website in 1995 and very soon it became the hot platform for sharing the news of politics, technology, intellectual property and futurism. After enormous success, in October 2007, Boing Boing TV was launched and its episodes were aired online as well as on Virgin America Flights.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

7. Perezhilton:

One of the most celebrated blog of entertainment arena, Perezhilton was founded by an American blogger, Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr., better known by his nickname Perez Hilton. Formerly called as, this blog posts gossip about musicians, celebrities and actors. In April, 2009, this blog was ranked on the 143rd position in America with two-third of users being American and strongest demographic being females between the ages of 18 and 24.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

6. Beppe Grillo:

Counted among the world’s most powerful blog, this blog was founded by Giuseppe Piero Grillo aka Beppe Grillo, an Italian comedian, blogger and politician. This blog has secured its position in the top 10 most visited blogs in the world, as per the calculation of Technorati. A man of controversy in himself, Grillo is severely criticized for ravaging the private life of high-profile celebrities on his blog.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

5. Engadget:

Tophat of tech blogs, Engadget is a multilingual weblog which deals with the news and articles of consumer electronics along with gadgets. This blog was founded in March 2004 by Peter Rojas, a Harvard graduate better known for founding two more blogs – Gizmodo and Joystiq. Engadget is considered as a burning platform, where you can read the articles of renowned journalists, industry analysts and high-profile blogger.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

4. TMZ:

Abbreviation of thirty-mile zone, TMZ is a celebrity news blog which was founded on November 8, 2005, as a joint venture of America Online (AOL) and Telepictures Productions. This blog was first spotlighted by the mainstream media after releasing the story of Mel Gibson, who was arrested for driving his Lexus LS 430, under the influence of alcohol. Harvey Levin, managing editor of TMZ, claims that TMZ often pay paparazzi for using their videos and photographs.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

3. Gawker:

This New York City based blog is the most essential part of the Gawker Media, an American online media company. Parent company of 10 different weblogs, Gawker was founded in 2003 by Nick Denton. With 50-70 daily new posts, Gawker focuses on the articles of celebrity gossip and media industry by the supporting hands of media employees and freelance bloggers.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

2. TechCrunch:

Holder of 1st position in the Info/Tech category of Tecnorati, this blog was founded in 2005 by Michael Arrington which offers analysis and news of websites, startup companies and new products. Comprising over 4,563,000 RSS feed subscribers, this web publication is now known as The TechCrunch Network, which constitutes several other websites.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

1. The Huffington Post:

Now, you need to realize that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world. An aspiration which stared on May 9, 2005, by the collaborated efforts of Arianna Huffington, Jonah Peretti and Kenneth Lerer, has now became the central hub of world-class bloggers and their must-read articles. Winner of enormous prestigious awards, The Huffington Post encounters over one million comments every month.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

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