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Friday 12 December 2014

Thursday 11 December 2014


Apple faithful line up for latest, larger iPhones


 ocal resident Andreas Gibson celebrates with employees outside the Fifth Avenue Apple store after being the first to exit with an iPhone 6 in hand on the first day of sales in Manhattan, New York. Image: ReutersApple Inc's latest phone lured throngs of gadget lovers, entrepreneurs and early adopters to its stores in New York, San Francisco and other cities around the world in the latest sign of strong initial demand for the new, larger generation of iPhones.

Even the night before the phones' Friday debut, nearly 70 people were waiting in line in front of the Apple store in downtown San Francisco. Some eager to get their hands on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which feature larger screens and longer battery life, had been there since the night before.
At the Apple store on Fifth Avenue in New York, the line of would-be buyers stretched for more than 10 blocks. Apple employees led them in a New Year's Eve-style countdown to herald the store's opening at 8 a.m. EDT and high-fived customers as they entered the glass cube leading to the underground store.
In Atlanta, police were called in before 5:30 a.m. to assist with crowd control at one mall location because of worries about trampling, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
While it has become customary for swarms of people to greet Apple product introductions, Friday's long lines were still a sign of healthy demand for the new models. The phones drew more than 4 million preorder requests in the first 24 hours on Sept. 12, more than double the 2 million for iPhone 5s in the same period two years ago.
The enthusiastic crowds gathered despite signs that Apple's legendary "cool factor" may be dimming with some consumers, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll.
Sales predictions from investors tend to be optimistic. Apple watchers tracking the early sales of the new iPhones note that the precise number of units sold in the first weekend will depend on the strength of the supply chain. A Friday report from Barclays cited the long lines outside stores as a positive sign for demand, suggesting that combined first-weekend sales for the new phones could rise as high as 11 million units.
Despite the high demand, sales could be choked by a limited number of iPhone 6 Pluses available immediately. A T-Mobile US Inc spokeswoman said Friday that demand for the new phones was "tremendous," but the larger model would not be available yet.
Paul Terrebonne, a 26-year-old cook who had preordered his space-grey iPhone 6, said the size of the new devices had been enough to lure him back to Apple from his previous phone, a Motorola Moto X.
"It's all about screen size, plus I missed the iPhone's camera," he said, adding that he had shunned the iPhone 6 Plus because it was "a bit too big."
The launch attracted buyers from farther afield. Flavio Gondim, a 40-year-old Brazilian public sector employee, said he was buying an iPhone 6 in New York because "back home these are, maybe, 50 percent more expensive."
In Asia, many who lined up to buy the new phones in Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia said they planned to re-sell the devices in China, where regulatory hurdles are holding up the new phones' debut.
It remains to be seen whether the renewed iPhone mania will extend to Apple's other big product introduction, the Apple Watch, which will not be available until early next year.
Raj Kaur, who was comfortably waiting in line in San Francisco in a folding chair, said she did not plan to repeat the vigil for the new watch.
"I'll wait for the second edition," she said, "when they've worked out the kinks


mind blowing smart phone....

Micromax's Yu CyanogenMod-based phone will support 4G


Micromax recently announced a new brand called Yu, which will be exclusive to e-retail channels. The bigger deal about the phone is that it runs on CyanogenMod OS, an Android-based operating system, which is well liked by geeks. has learned some details about the phone, which is expected to be announced on December 18 at an event in New Delhi.
Sources tell us that the phone will have LTE support baked in and will be powered by the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 chipset. The Snapdragon 615 is a brand new SoC based on an octa-core architecture. The big deal about the chipset is that it does not only support 4G LTE networks in India, but also supports 64-bit applications, if the relevant software support is available.
For now support for 64-bit computing is not relevant considering CyanogenMod is based on Android 4.4 KitKat, which does not support 64-bit apps. However, Yu may get an update to Android Lollipop later, which adds the ART runtime environment and 64-bit support. That may give Yu phones an advantage over competitors.
Qualcomm positions the Snapdragon 615 as a mid range chipset, but in its portfolio it is currently the highest-end SoC to boast 64-bit support. Currently, in India only the HTC Desire 820q is powered by the Snapdragon 615.
CyanogenMod and Micromax both courted controversy in recent time after the announcement of the exclusive partnership between Yu and Cyanogenmod in India. OnePlus, the other company which is known to use Cyanogenmod, recently launched its One smartphone and because of the deal its devices sold in India will not get an OTA update to the next version of Cyanogenmod.

 Morning Rituals to Empower your day & Change your Life 


Most of your reality is not a given. It is shaped by your expectations, beliefs and thoughts you have formed about it. A big chunk of these beliefs and expectations are encoded into habits you integrate in your daily life. Yes, some of these habits are formed unconsciously and can be counter-productive or limiting but conversely you can consciously form positive habits that will transform and empower your life significantly.
This is a powerful point of departure that more and more people are becoming aware of. The most common trait of highly successful people is the recognition of the power they have in co-creating their reality through changing the way they think, believe or expect their reality to be. One of the most effective ways of changing our belief patterns is through practising and maintaining daily rituals. Ancient traditions had clearly understood the power of rituals in reinforcing habits and changing the way we see and create our reality a long, long time ago. Once again, if you look into the life history of any highly successful individual, you will find some form of ritual in his or her daily routine. Some of these rituals may seem banal or eccentric but don’t be deceived by appearances. Rituals are one of the most effective self-epowering tools freely available at the practitioner’s disposal – that is, you!
Below are some the easiest yet life-changing rituals you can do every morning. Of course, you can have your own afternoon or bed-time rituals but morning rituals are extremely effective in empowering your day since they help you charge yourself before it all starts.

1. Gratitude

Feeling gratitude and appreciation for those little signs and moments of joy happening in your life is probably one of the most overlooked or underestimated rituals. It is a perfect morning ritual to start your day on a very positive key. The real power of gratitude is that it makes you pick out and focus on what is working in your life – what is in tune with your being as a whole. It is selectively positive. It reinforces happiness and positivity by shedding light on those awesome things, small or big, that grace your every day living. Quite often we just pick out the pain points, the problems, the bottle necks, whatever it is that is not working in our life and causing friction, anxiety and unhappiness. This is like constantly rewriting the script of your life with a negative or tragic overtone. Your subconscious mind follows faithfully that script you write whether it is a negative or positive one.
So feeling gratitude is undoubtedly an immensely empowering ritual. Start your day by being thankful for those positive things that happened the previous day or throughout the week. It could be something really petty and small. It doesn’t matter. You might be grateful for an unexpected visit from an old friend, a beautiful encounter with a kind stranger, a new opportunity or whatever it is that shines your way. Do it every morning and see what happens during the day.

2. Writing down your most important tasks

This is a very practical ritual. Start your day by identifying and writing down from one to three of the most important tasks you need to complete during that day. These tasks are ones which support important long term goals that are aligned to your purpose, passion or general direction in life. For example, if writing a book or building an online community are important long term goals which are aligned to your personal growth, then an important task for the day might be finishing off a particular page or two of the book or coming up with fresh content ideas for the online community. What is important with this ritual is that you identify these tasks and complete them as early in the day as possible. Of course you will have other tasks apart from the ones you will write down but these are tasks which can be tackled later or batched up and carried out in one go.
Writing down your most important tasks in the morning, helps you focus your day and life according to what is essential. It helps you prioritise and manage your time better. As a result, you simplify your life by applying your focus and energy on what really counts for your overall life progress.

3. Affirm your goals in writing or drawing

This is similar to the previous idea but different in its application and purpose. Writing down your most important tasks of the day is a way to have a concrete structure of action to follow. Affirming your goals, on the other hand, is a very powerful way of crystallising your vision and goals in life into your everyday mental space. Writing down or doodling your goals on a piece of paper helps you externalise those goals by giving them form. In return they are reflected back in your subconscious mind thus reinforcing them and integrating them more wholly.
An example of this would be writing down “I am achieving greater success in my career” or “I am becoming healthier and stronger through my exercise”. Notice the present tense being used as a way to tell yourself you are in the process already. Remember the life script we subconsciously follow? You are basically modifying the script to be applied now in the present. Drawing or doodling can be equally, or even more, effective  (if you are more of a visual person) as it summarises a graphical representation of your goals. For example, if your goal is to build a new house or live in another country, you can draw the house or draw things that symbolise the country you want to live in.

4. Qi Gong exercises

According to Chinese philosophy, Qi (pronounced ‘Chee’) means the life force or energy inherent in all things and Qi Gong is the practice to cultivate and circulate that energy in your body. This may sound esoteric or complicated but actually Qi Gong is really a set of simple exercises aimed at increasing your health and vitality. There are numerous forms and practices available for free through the online media. As a morning ritual I recommend following these simple exercises by Qi Gong master Lee Holden.

5. Hot Water with Lemon

Simply add a slice of lemon in a glass of hot water and drink one every morning. This is a very simple ritual I follow faithfully every morning. Apart from being a good source of vitamin C and a great way of flushing out toxins in the morning, it balances and maintains the PH levels in the body, reduces pain and inflammation in joints and knees and helps nourishing brain and nerve cells. Here are some more benefits of drinking hot water with lemon.

6. Rise Earlier

The practical advantages of waking up early are obvious. For example you gain more time for doing exercise such as walking, cycling or Qi Gong as suggested above. You gain more time to be with yourself to reflect, meditate or, more importantly, carry out the other morning rituals! So rising early can be seen as a foundation for all the other morning rituals. Many, like myself, find that they are more productive in the early hours of the day.
Also, various studies have shown that there are many other benefits from waking up an hour or two earlier in the morning. For example it has been shown that sleeping early and waking up early helps the body attune with the earth’s circadian rhythms thus promoting more restorative sleep. Other curious results from such studies show for instance that early risers tend to be more optimistic and can anticipate and solve problems more efficiently than the norm.

7. Listen to uplifting music

In itself this ritual is a no-brainer. Uplifting music can have a direct impact on our mood especially in the morning. It charges us emotionally and tunes us into a more positive outlook of the day ahead. Most people wake up to music or listen to music as they commute to work. Very often however they tune in to a radio or randomly pick a playlist from their device. Being more selective and conscious of the music you listen to in the morning can have a great impact on your day and life in general. Try to listen to more uplifting music in the morning even if, or especially if, your mood does not dictate so.
It’s funny how we try to choose music according to our mood. For example if you are feeling down or disappointed by something, you are more prone to listen to music that reflects that mood – for instance blues, sad songs or downtempo music. This has the effect of reinforcing that mood. What you need to do is the exact opposite and retune your mood by listening to music that beats to a different tune than that mood

Essential Things to Achieve Success (Hard Work Is Not One of Them


A common adage is that you need to work harder and suffer more than anyone else if you want to achieve success.
At the most, that’s a half-truth.
From what I have learned from people who have accomplished big things in both their lives and careers, one of their most common “a-ha moments” was when they realized that working hard was not enough to succeed, and that often it was even a waste of time and energy.
Thinking from this perspective, I have collected 3 things that just are as important, or even more important, than hard work when it comes to achieving success.

1. Purpose

You’ve been working down in the boiler room for so long that you may not even remember WHY.
If you examined every single person in the world who is considered a failure (especially by themselves), you would see that all their lives lack the same ingredient: purpose.
They don’t know where they are going. They don’t know why they do the things they do and don’t think there can be a reason. They chase only short-term satisfactions like food or sex, and those are the only things that keep them moving.
They are operating only out of the animal side of themselves. Thus, they are not able to practice long-term thinking or personal analysis as human beings can.
There is no need to look at very clear cases of failure to find the disease of lack of purpose. If you are not constantly aware, you will find yourself in the middle of doing something and won’t know why you are doing it.
Momentum can be a good friend, but is also one of those friends that will make you waste a ton of time if you don’t keep an eye on it.
Every time you start an action, keep in mind that you are going to keep on doing it for the rest of your life. Unless, of course, something internal or external reminds you to start doing something else.
When you start working on something without clearly knowing the expected results, it may take you hours or days of hard work to realize that it isn’t what you should be doing, if you ever want to achieve your goals.
Don’t be a busy, hard-working person. Be a hard-planning person who takes purposeful actions instead.

2. Self-work

Work on yourself 10 times as hard as you work on external elements, and you will feel that you are moving 10 times faster towards what you want.
Almost all the hard work you have to do to succeed is focused on replacing your routines and habits with the ones a successful person would have. By deliberately changing your procedures, you change the results you achieve, the value you provide, and the way you are seen by yourself and the rest of the world.
If you could perform the same training and habits as Bruce Lee, day after day, there is no doubt that you would sooner or later become a remarkable martial artist, right?
And what about performing like a person whose success in business has been outstanding? What if you integrated the same routines and habits that have allowed others to unlock the power and creativity they needed to succeed in their career or life?
You could, literally, start performing like that today and get astounding results immediately.
The only requirement is that you put your old habits and self-limiting beliefs aside, making space for new ones.
You must look at them before you can let them go; if you don’t recognize the weeds amongst the flowers, you won’t be able to take them out.
Success is not attained by fighting the old, but by letting it go and building the new in its place.

3. Belief

If you don’t believe it’s possible for you to achieve what you want, you can work day and night, but you will never succeed.
Sometimes, all the distance that seems to be separating you from your goals is in your mind. If you removed those mental barriers, you would see that you could just reach out and grab what you’ve been pursuing for so long.
As long as you don’t believe that it’s possible for you to have it, you are going to keep creating excuses and distractions. That’s simply because it feels uncomfortable or scary to have something you don’t think you are ready to have, or become someone you don’t believe you can be.
If you removed the negative beliefs about what YOU can have and become, your reality would change instantly.


I know that these three things also require hard work and focus, but the stress, frustration and hours of pushing and shoveling they may save you are priceless.

Virat Kohli century puts India on top in reply

Virat Kohli

 A century by stand-in captain Virat Kohli and three half-centuries lifted India to 369 for 5 at stumps on Thursday on the third day of the first Test, leaving them 148 adrift of Austalia who declared overnight at 517 for 7.

Kohli made 115, batting most of the last two sessions of an extended day's play, sharing partnerships of 81 with Cheteshwar Pujara (73), 101 with Ajinkya Rahane (62) and 74 with Rohit Sharma (33 not out) to steer India towards parity in a match impeded by Wednesday's rain.
He was out fewer than four overs from the end of the day on which bowlers mostly laboured on a pitch at the Adelaide Oval which is taking turn but is probably too batsman-friendly to produce a result without bold declarations. Kohli was also involved in an incident Thursday which reflected cricket's new mood since the recent death of Australia Test batsman Phillip Hughes.
The first ball Kohli faced on Thursday, just before lunch, was pitched short by Australia fast bowler Mitchell Johnson, awkwardly followed his evasive movement and crashed into the front of his helmet.
Before the death of Hughes, from injuries suffered when he was struck by a bouncer in a domestic match on November 25, Johnson and the Australian fieldsmen might have celebrated such a delivery.
Instead, they rushed to Kohli to ensure he was unhurt and Australia captain Michael Clarke consoled Johnson, recognising his distress.
Kohli suffered no injury and went on to notch his seventh Test century in 224 minutes, from 158 balls with 12 fours. He anchored India's innings for the better part of the day, then conceded his wicket wastefully near stumps, hooking a ball from Johnson to Ryan Harris at fine leg.
Although spinner Nathan Lyon found both turn and bounce, taking 2 for 103 from 30 overs, and helped to curb India's scoring rate after a brisk first session, captain Michael Clarke took the new ball as soon as it was due after the 80th over. In doing so he showed his faith in fast bowlers Harris and Johnson who toiled hard throughout the third day on a bare pitch which offered little movement from the seam and only regular bounce.
Harris returned to Test cricket in this match after an eight months injury layoff and captured the first Indian wicket to fall, dismissing Shikhar Dhawan for 25 off 24 balls.
Harris ended his first spell with 1 for 6 from five overs and he yielded runs only grudgingly as the day went on. Johnson struggled to find his length early, conceding 34 runs in his first five overs but tightened up later, using the short ball sparingly and often deceiving batsmen with fuller and slower deliveries. He ended the day with 2 for 90, dismissing Murali Vijay for 53.
Lyon often found turn in the footmarks outside the right hander's off stump, and used turn and bounce to removed Pujara for 73 with a ball which hit the batsman on the body and bat before falling back onto the stumps.
Lyon made even more effective use of the conditions with the ball that removed Rahane for 62, finding a sharp bounce which took the batsman on the glove and ballooned to Shane Watson at slip.


International Yoga Day suggestion

 Less than three months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed the idea, the UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted an India-led resolution declaring June 21 as International Day of Yoga, recognising that "Yoga provides a holistic approach to health and well-being."

The resolution on International Day of Yoga was introduced by India's Ambassador to UN Asoke Mukerji on Thursday and had 175 nations joining as co-sponsors, the highest number ever for any General Assembly resolution.
It is also for the first time that such an initiative has been proposed and implemented by any country in the UN body in less than 90 days.
Through the resolution, adopted under the agenda of 'Global Health and Foreign Policy,' the 193-member General Assembly decided to proclaim June 21 every year as the International Day of Yoga.
It recognised that Yoga "provides a holistic approach to health and well-being" and that wider the dissemination of information about benefits of practising Yoga would be beneficial for the health of the world population.
In introducing the resolution, Mukerji quoted Modi's UNGA address in which he had asked world leaders to adopt an international Yoga day, saying that by changing lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change.

                 watch it

Thursday 4 December 2014

                CREATIVE NASA

NASA Orion spacecraft, designed to take humans to Mars, fails to take off



The service structure is rolled away from NASA's Orion spaceship early Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014, in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Photo: APGusty wind and sticky fuel valves kept NASA's new Orion spacecraft grounded on the launch pad on Thursday, delaying a crucial test flight meant to reinvent human exploration, an AP report stated.
NASA, however, will try again on Friday morning.
The space agency's new countdown clock got a workout as problem after problem cropped up in the final four minutes, and the count switched back and forth at the launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida.
A stray boat in the launch-danger zone kicked things off badly. Then excessive wind twice halted the countdown, followed by valve trouble on the unmanned Delta IV rocket that could not be fixed in time. Declining battery power in the rocket's video camera system reinforced the decision to quit for the day.
Orion is how NASA hopes to one day send astronauts to Mars. This inaugural flight, while just 4½ hours, will send the unmanned capsule 3,600 miles (5,800 kilometers) into space.
It's the first attempt to send a spacecraft capable of carrying humans beyond a couple hundred miles of Earth since the Apollo moon program.
The ultimate goal, in the decades ahead, is to use Orion to carry people to Mars and back.
NASA anticipated 26,000 guests for the historic send-off - the roads leading into Kennedy Space Center were packed well before dawn - and the atmosphere was reminiscent of the shuttle-flying days. "Go Orion!!" urged a hotel billboard in nearby Cocoa Beach.
A Thursday launch would have been special for another reason: NASA launch commentator Mike Curie noted that it was the 16th anniversary of the launch of the first US piece of the International Space Station, by shuttle Endeavour. "That was the beginning of the space station, and today is the dawn of Orion," he said.
Orion is aiming for two orbits on this inaugural run. On the second lap around the home planet, the spacecraft should reach a peak altitude of 3,600 miles, high enough to ensure a re-entry speed of 20,000 mph (32,200 kph)and an environment of 4,000 degrees (2,200 Celsius). Splashdown will be in the Pacific off the Mexican Baja coast, where Navy ships already are waiting.
NASA's Mission Control in Houston was all set to oversee the entire 4½-hour operation once the rocket was in flight. The flight program was loaded into Orion's computers well in advance, allowing the spacecraft to fly essentially on autopilot. Flight controllers could intervene in the event of an emergency breakdown.
The spacecraft is rigged with 1,200 sensors to gauge everything from heat to vibration to radiation. At 11 feet (3.4 meters) tall with a 16.5-foot (5-meter) base, Orion is bigger than the old-time Apollo capsules and, obviously, more advanced. As NASA's program manager Mark Geyer noted, "The inside of the capsule is totally different."
NASA deliberately kept astronauts off this first Orion.
NASA's last trip beyond low-Earth orbit in a vessel built for people was Apollo 17 in December 1972.
"It's a thrilling prospect when you think about actually exploring the solar system," space station commander Butch Wilmore said from orbit as the Orion countdown entered its final hour. "Who knows where it will take us, who knows where it will go. We'll find out as time goes forward, but this first step is a huge one."

                 NEWS OF THE DAY

World Cup 2015: Why India doesn't need Virender Sehwag, Yuvraj Singh


World Cup 2015: Why India doesn't need Virender Sehwag, Yuvraj Singh
                New Delhi
Yuvraj & Sehwag
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Selectors have dropped senior players from India's list of 30 probables for the World Cup A lot has changed over the past four years since India basked in the glory of their World Cup triumph in 2011. The team management has been revamped, players re-shuffled and more importantly the selectors are not shying away from taking the harsh yet crucial decisions.
The Indian selectors, for a better part of the decade, have blindly favoured a players' experience over his current form. But, the time of one-hit wonders that might have been influential for the team once in their career has been long gone.
The irony of watching a player shooting blanks over time and time again will no longer come back to haunt the cricket frenzy nation. The zillions of Indian fans would no longer feel the agonizing pain while watching Virender Sehwag getting out cheaply in the slip cordon or Yuvraj Singh falling prey to an in-swinger.
Both, Yuvi and Viru have been a class act over the years for India but one doesn't have to be a NASA scientist to ascertain that they are way past their prime and the selectors would have surely considered that.
From a fan's perspective, India doesn't need the experience of Sehwag or Yuvraj who have struggled to score for their side. The team would do just fine with a youngster whose inexperience can be compensated with the promise he offers.
Someone like Ajinkya Rahane or for that matter Ambati Rayudu can be trusted to deliver considering their recent performances for India. Even if their runs didn't come on a bouncy track, where India will have to ultimately prove their mettle, it would surely do enough to make them feel confident.
The selectors' approach in furnishing Team India's list of 30 probables showcases the highly-improved psyche that was once associated with judging a player by his significance over the years and not his recent form. By dropping the 2011 World Cup heroes including Yuvraj Singh, Virender Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir, Harbhajan Singh and Zaheer Khan, the selectors have sent a strong message to the young Indian brigade that their place in the team is not to be taken for granted.
Even if the young MS Dhoni brigade fails to defend their title, which shouldn't happen until they really play some poor cricket, it will still be a mammoth step by the selectors in strengthening the cricket team over the years to come.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

                          sports story


Sports minister urges AIBA to revoke Sarita Devi's suspension

Sarita DeviSarita was provisionally suspended after she refused to accept her medal at the Asian Games
Sports Minister Sarbananda Sonowal has pleaded with International Boxing Association (AIBA) president Ching Kuo Wu to revoke the provisional suspension of female boxer L Sarita Devi, asking him to take a sympathetic view given her humble background.
"I would request you to consider the fact that Sarita Devi comes from a very humble background and has risen in her sport due to her hard work, perseverance and talent. Her suspension has had a demoralising effect on other aspiring sportspersons who would like to emulate her example and achieve sporting excellence," Sonowal said in the letter released Wednesday.
Sarita was provisionally suspended after she refused to accept her medal following a controversial semi-final loss in the Asian Games. The AIBA is yet to take a final call on the quantum of Sarita's punishment but Wu has already made it clear that her career is "as good as over" despite tendering an unconditional apology for her actions.
Citing the stern warning issued to Sarita by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), Sonowal said she has been punished enough. The 29-year-old also missed the World Championships.
"Keeping in view all the factors and in the interest of promotion and development of boxing in India, I would urge you to take a very sympathetic view of the matter and take no further action against her beyond what has already been done by the OCA," he said.
Along with Sarita, three coaches, including national coach Gurbax Singh Sandhu, were also provisionally suspended and AIBA is yet to decide on their fate.
'Modi's sweeping poll win has potential to transform India'
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Nathan Sheets, who is Under Secretary for International Affairs at the Treasury Department said more attention would be given to strengthen the US-India Economic and Financial Partnership.

There is an "important window of opportunity" for boosting economic ties with India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's sweeping election victory as well as economic reform platform has the potential to transform the country, a US Treasury official has said.
Nathan Sheets, who is Under Secretary for International Affairs at the Treasury Department, also said that India and its people share with the US an entrepreneurial spirit, a commitment to a vibrant private sector, and a record of economic growth built largely on domestic demand.
"Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi's sweeping election victory and economic reform platform have the potential to transform India -- by restoring higher growth and expanding economic opportunities in what would soon become the world's most populous country," he noted.
In recent months, there has been renewed vigour in the Indo-US bilateral ties.
Over the next two years, Sheets said more attention would be given to strengthen the US-India Economic and Financial Partnership.
Through the partnership, the US would support India in its growth and reform efforts and encourage the greater opening of India's economy to US firms, he said and added that such a scenario would be a "win-win proposition".
"We can create new growth and employment opportunities in the US by further opening this growing market for US exports, improving the climate for US investment in India, and levelling the playing field for US companies," as per remarks of Sheets released today by the Treasury Department.
Sheets made the remarks at an event organised by Brookings Institution.
According to him, faster growth, deeper financial markets, and greater openness to trade and foreign investment promise to raise incomes, reduce poverty, and bring many more Indians into the global middle class.
"Our commitment to the WTO was demonstrated in the recent breakthroughs with China regarding the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and with India on implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).
"We are hopeful that these developments will give momentum to multilateral efforts," he said.

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How Much Traffic Do You Need To Make $100,000 With Google AdSense on

Google AdSense
Is it really possible to make $100,000 a year from Google (or by selling ads on your website/blog)? If so, then the real question is how much traffic do you really need to make big bucks with Google AdSense? While it’s true that we can’t predict the Google AdSense income exactly, we can optimize the ads in different ways so as to make the most out of it.
Also, you must make sure that your website category is advertising friendly because your AdSense income depends a lot upon the category of your website. You can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to find out the competition in your industry. If there is enough competition (i.e. if the suggested bid by AdWords for keywords in your niche is high) then we can assume that Google will fill your ad spaces with high paying ads (see how AdSense works).

For example, if you Google search “loans” then you’ll see a lot of ads so it means that if you have a blog related to personal finance then there will be enough competition for your ad space. Now I’ve randomly added few keywords to Keyword Planner to find out its suggested bid by AdWords. Here they are:
Google AdWords Keyword Planner
As you can see, the competition for keywords related to “finance” is very high compared to keywords related to “food”. Of course, the suggested bid is just an estimate and the real cost-per-click varies a lot. But still, even if it’s $5 then it means a lot. Why? It’s because the cost per click to advertise on Google is very high compared to cost per click on Google Display Network. So if an advertiser is paying $0.50/click on Google then he may be paying only $0.10/click on Google Display Network.

How Much Traffic Do You Need To Make Money With AdSense?

Let’s say you want to make $100,000 a year from Google AdSense and/or Google AdSense alternatives.
$100,000 divided by 365 = $274 a day.
So, you have to create either: 274 pages that earn $1 a day OR 548 pages that earn 50 cents a day OR 1,096 pages that earn 25 cents a day (which sounds reasonable, right?). Let’s say you have 1,096 high quality blog posts and you earn $0.25 per click from AdSense.
I have analyzed the traffic and AdSense stats (using Google Image Search) of several websites including my own blogs and websites.
Read: How To Find The Traffic Of (Almost) Any Website
Google AdSense Earnings
From my analysis, I found that the average Page CTR is around 1% (or it’s something that we can achieve easily). But it really depends upon your niche, web site design and other factors.
In fact I have achieved a Page CTR of over 20% in 2007 for a niche website and was making $100+ a day from Google AdSense alone.

Let’s Do The Math To Make $100,000 A Year With Google AdSense

Let’s assume that you have a Page CTR of 1% and your average CPC is $0.25 (I believe it’s quite an achievable target unless your keywords have no advertiser competition – e.g. a recipe blog).
Some of the top paying AdSense niches are Finance, Internet Marketing, Technology, Web Hosting, Internet & Computers, Software, Health etc. and some of the lowest paying AdSense niches are Entertainment, Arts, Movies, Celebrity Gossips, News blog, Jokes, Wallpapers, Quotes, Recipes, Photo blogs etc.
As mentioned earlier $100,000 a year means you have to earn $274 a day. If your average CPC is $0.25 then you need 100,000/0.25 = 400,000 clicks a year (or approximately 1,000 clicks a day) to earn $100,000 a year from Google AdSense. Assuming that your Page CTR is 1% you need approximately 100,000 page views a day. Now, let’s say your “Bounce Rate” (it is the estimated percentage of visits to your website that consist of a single page view) is 100%. It means that you need 100,000 unique visitors a day itself to generate 100,000 page views a day.
In a nutshell, you need 100,000 visitors a day to make $100,000 a year from Google AdSense alone (with a CTR of 1% and CPC of $0.25).

Google AdSense Glossary

Page Views
A page view is what Google counts in your reports every time a user views a page displaying Google ads. We will count one page view regardless of the number of ads displayed on that page.
For example, if you have a page displaying three ad units and it is viewed twice, you will generate two page views.
For standard content ads, Google counts a click when a user clicks on an ad.
For link units, Google counts a click when a user clicks on an ad on the page of ads, after selecting a link in the link unit.
Page Click Through Rate (Page CTR)
The Page Click Through Rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of impressions or page views that you have received.
Page CTR = Clicks / Page Views
For example, if you received 5 Clicks from 100 Page Views, then your Page CTR would be 5%. (5/100*100=5%)
Cost Per Click (CPC)
The Cost Per Click (CPC) is the amount you earn each time a user clicks on your ad. The CPC for any ad is determined by the advertiser; some advertisers may be willing to pay more per click than others, depending on what they’re advertising.
Page Revenue Per Thousand Impressions (Page RPM)
Page Revenue Per Thousand Impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views you received, then multiplying by 1000.
Page RPM = (Estimated Earnings / Number of Page Views) * 1,000
For example, if you earned an estimated $0.15 from 25 page views, then your page RPM would equal ($0.15 / 25) * 1000, or $6.00.
Estimated Earnings
Your account balance (or earnings) for the time period selected.

Sikh woman elected as council member in California

Sikh woman elected as council member in California
WASHINGTON: A Sikh woman has been elected for the first time as a council member of California's Yuba City that has one of the largest concentration of Sikhs in the US.

The first women of Sikh descent to be elected as Yuba City council woman, Preet Didbal was sworn in by her daughter, Arianna Khan and her mother, Gurbaksh Didbal, on Wednesday.

"This is a big day. It is very emotional and I still can't believe it," Didbal was quoted as saying by KCRA 3 News.

Currently a correctional health care services manager in the California Department of Corrections, Dibal said she encountered some of that traditional thinking during her campaign and was taken aback by it.

"In general, the women have always been more subservient and have followed the lead versus being the leader. Our culture is very different and hopefully starting to open up and educate young girls not to be subservient. It's exciting to be an example," Dibal was quoted as saying by the local Appeal Democrat newspaper.

"We heard questions from some of the older generations about why I'm doing this and that it's a man's role. It's a milestone we just created. Now every girl will be under the impression that they can do it," she said.

"It takes time to change things and educate people, but it became a position that my mom stood by to say that if this is what a child wants to do, we have to support it. It has been the role of men through the years, but why can't our girls do it?" Dibal said.

Dibal holds an associate degree in nutrition, a bachelor's degree in physical education and a master's in public administration.

Yuba City in California has one of the largest concentration of Sikhs in any American city.

It is known nationwide for the annual Sikh Day parade, which is attended by the thousands of people from across the country.

In 2009, Kash Gill became the first Sikh American to be elected as Mayor of the Yuba City.

                        Christmas is on its way.

The Norway spruce that will stand in New York's Rockefeller Center was cut down Wednesday from a farm in Bloomsburg, Pa., 155 miles west of Manhattan.
This year's Rockefeller Christmas tree stands 85 feet tall and weighs 13 tons.
The tree will feature 45,000 LED lights and a large Swarovski star on top.
It will be illuminated for the first time during a ceremony Dec. 3 and can be viewed until Jan. 7.
When it's all over, the tree will return to Pennsylvania and be used to build Habitat for Humanity homes, said Rachel Drosdick-Sigafoos, who owns the farm and donated the tree.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

For all the gentlemen- next time you piss off your lady, make a quick trip here and pick up a cute crepe.. because which female can resist something cute AND sweet.?? Not me!

Here, they offer sweet savory crepes. In addition, you can choose the cute decorated ice cream critters to be either on top of a coned crepe, laying on a plate, or simply in a cup. Basically, you'll get a cute face in any position you'd like... no perversion associated with that statement- get your mind out of the gutter.

Prices range from $2 (a scoop of ice cream) to $6 (crepe with add ons), either way, it's pretty affordable for the treat and the artistry.

BONUS: For a limited time, they're offering a green tea flavored crepe.

                 Top 10  Blogs in the World

Over the last decade, we’ve seen blogs striking over thousand of politicians, creating and destroying industries at the same time, and offering an abundance of visual and audio entertainment. But has all this incredible change actually changed us, or just the world we live in? It was a baffling job to create this list but based on average stats, TopYaps lists the top 10 most popular blogs of the world.

10. Mashable:

The person who makes a success of living is the one who see his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication and this loyalty was strictly followed by Pete Cashmore, when he founded ‘Mashable’ at the early age of 19. In July 2005, this Internet news blog was founded in Aberdeen, Scotland and since then it has created a remarkable boldness in the history of blogging. This blog covers news of business, entertainment, mobile, online video, gadgets, web development and technology. Mashable has over 425,000 fans on Facebook and over 2 million followers on Twitter along with 30+ million monthly pageviews.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

9. Hot Air:

Hot Air is a conservative Internet broadcast network which was founded on April 24, 2006 by Michelle Malkin, an American political commentator. This blog is well known for its “Green Room” in which conservative and guest bloggers compose their own articles. In February 2010, Hot Air was purchased by Salem Communications but still it is popular for the must-read articles of its pseudonymous writer ‘Allahpundit’. In the current blogosphere, Hot Air hails in top-20 site on Technorati’s Top 100 list.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

8. Boing Boing:

This publishing entity was founded in 1988 by Mark Frauenfelder and his wife, Carla Sinclair. Earlier, Boing Boing was a magazine but due to the expectation of boom in Internet world, it was converted into a website in 1995 and very soon it became the hot platform for sharing the news of politics, technology, intellectual property and futurism. After enormous success, in October 2007, Boing Boing TV was launched and its episodes were aired online as well as on Virgin America Flights.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

7. Perezhilton:

One of the most celebrated blog of entertainment arena, Perezhilton was founded by an American blogger, Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr., better known by his nickname Perez Hilton. Formerly called as, this blog posts gossip about musicians, celebrities and actors. In April, 2009, this blog was ranked on the 143rd position in America with two-third of users being American and strongest demographic being females between the ages of 18 and 24.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

6. Beppe Grillo:

Counted among the world’s most powerful blog, this blog was founded by Giuseppe Piero Grillo aka Beppe Grillo, an Italian comedian, blogger and politician. This blog has secured its position in the top 10 most visited blogs in the world, as per the calculation of Technorati. A man of controversy in himself, Grillo is severely criticized for ravaging the private life of high-profile celebrities on his blog.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

5. Engadget:

Tophat of tech blogs, Engadget is a multilingual weblog which deals with the news and articles of consumer electronics along with gadgets. This blog was founded in March 2004 by Peter Rojas, a Harvard graduate better known for founding two more blogs – Gizmodo and Joystiq. Engadget is considered as a burning platform, where you can read the articles of renowned journalists, industry analysts and high-profile blogger.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

4. TMZ:

Abbreviation of thirty-mile zone, TMZ is a celebrity news blog which was founded on November 8, 2005, as a joint venture of America Online (AOL) and Telepictures Productions. This blog was first spotlighted by the mainstream media after releasing the story of Mel Gibson, who was arrested for driving his Lexus LS 430, under the influence of alcohol. Harvey Levin, managing editor of TMZ, claims that TMZ often pay paparazzi for using their videos and photographs.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

3. Gawker:

This New York City based blog is the most essential part of the Gawker Media, an American online media company. Parent company of 10 different weblogs, Gawker was founded in 2003 by Nick Denton. With 50-70 daily new posts, Gawker focuses on the articles of celebrity gossip and media industry by the supporting hands of media employees and freelance bloggers.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

2. TechCrunch:

Holder of 1st position in the Info/Tech category of Tecnorati, this blog was founded in 2005 by Michael Arrington which offers analysis and news of websites, startup companies and new products. Comprising over 4,563,000 RSS feed subscribers, this web publication is now known as The TechCrunch Network, which constitutes several other websites.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

1. The Huffington Post:

Now, you need to realize that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world. An aspiration which stared on May 9, 2005, by the collaborated efforts of Arianna Huffington, Jonah Peretti and Kenneth Lerer, has now became the central hub of world-class bloggers and their must-read articles. Winner of enormous prestigious awards, The Huffington Post encounters over one million comments every month.
Top 10 most popular blogs of the world

                    cricket queen

Sachin Tendulkar yet to keep promise he made to para-athlete


In August, Sachin Tendulkar had assured Sakina Khatun that he will help the para-athlete get a job.It's not just his masterclass on the cricket field that people remember him for. Sachin Tendulkar's philanthropic nature has also earned him millions of fans across the world.Tendulkar is a regular donor for the cause of cancer and also sponsors the education of hundreds of underprivileged children through a Mumbai-based NGO Apnalaya. These are just some of the contributions of the gentleman cricketer to the society. But there is someone who is waiting for the Maestro to keep his promise.
Sakina Khatun was struck with polio when she was one-and-half-years old and damaged her right leg. But she fought through the challenges that life threw at her and the 25-year-old para-athlete went on to win medals for India at various international competitions. It was in August when Sakina caught the eye of Tendulkar who was in the Capital to felicitate the Glasgow Commonwealth Games medallists.
Sakina had won bronze at the Games for para-athletes, and Tendulkar was moved by the courage she had shown amid adversity to realise her dreams.
Despite her achievements, Sakina still lives a pitiable life and has been looking for a job for a long time. When Sakina came up to the dais to receive her award from Tendulkar it was a memorable experience for both of them. Tendulkar told her that the entire country was proud of her achievements and Sakina told him about her aspirations which may not be fulfilled without a sponsor or a job.
Tendulkar took her phone number and promised her that he will do something for her. "It was a great experience that my achievement was acknowledged by Sachin sir. I told him that I have been looking for a job for quite a long time but all my efforts have been futile. I don't even have a sponsor. He took my phone number and promised me that he will surely do something for me," Sakina, who finished a close fourth at the para Asian Games in Incheon, told MAIL TODAY.
"He (Sachin) is known to be a man of his words. I am still waiting for a response from him and I hope he will be able to do something, which will not only help me but will also inspire many other athletes to take up para-sports," the power-lifter said.
Sakina comes from a poor background and her father cannot contribute financially to the family as he is suffering from spondylitis. Her mother is the sole earning member of the family and works in the farms at a daily wage of Rs.200 in Kolkata.
"Financially, it is very difficult for my family to meet the daily needs. But somehow we have survived. I got Rs.6 lakh as cash reward for the medal I won at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. That is all I have earned so far as cash award. If I have to compete at the top level even that money is not enough so I have to rely a lot on my coach Farman Basha," she added.
After the 2012 London Olympics, the then sports minister Ajay Maken had announced that the athletes, including para-athletes, can avail coaching jobs in the Sports Authority of India but the policy never saw the light of the day.
For Sakina, however, the wait continues and she expects the Master to spell his magic as he had done during his playing days.

                       top 10 Animals

Which is the fastest animal on earth? How small is the smallest monkey on the planet? What is the world’s strongest animal?
Find out the answers to these questions and many more with our Animal Top 10s. Prepare to be amazed!
For more amazing animal facts, join us on Facebook. Watch our movie about incredible animals.

Smallest animals

Bee Humming BirdCheck out this selection of the smallest vertebrate animals on earth. Some people think the smallest animals are the shortest in height, or length, or the lightest. Which ever way you measure them these really are some amazing little animals.

Strongest animals

Dung BeetleMany animals possess strength that even the strongest humans could only dream about. Different animals have different kinds of strength. Some have pure brute strength and are capable of lifting, dragging, carrying or pulling enormous weights.
More on the top 10 strongest animals

Fastest animals

cheetahSome animals are perfectly designed to be the ultimate speed machines. Some of these fly through the air, others swim through water and some run on land. Most of the fastest animals are birds so our list includes a selection of the fastest of all these different types of animals.
More on the top 10 fastest animals

Jumping animals

Red KangarooWhilst we may marvel at the long or high jumping abilities of our top Olympic athletes, their prowess is overshadowed by some of the animal kingdom’s really big jumpers.
More on the top 10 jumping animals

Longest living animals

Galapagos Giant TortoiseMost animals have a life span far less than that of humans but there are a number of creatures who live that long, they make the oldest living human seem like a spring chicken in comparison. Have a look at 10 of the longest living animals and see who outlives them all!
More on the top 10 longest living animals

Smelliest animals

Musk OxHere we have listed ten of the smelliest creatures known to man. But maybe we shouldn’t be too quick to screw our noses up – after all, how would we humans smell without access to soap and water?
More on the top 10 smelliest animals

Extinct animals

Woolly MammothThere are a number of reasons why some animals have become extinct but how big a part have humans played in their destruction? Read on to find out more.
More on extinct animals

                                            More on the top 10 smallest animals

Animals come in all shapes and sizes, and some small animals can be really small.
Some invertebrates not even visible to the human eye: some mites are known to measure only 200μm (0.0002mm) in length, a parasitic wasp can be as small as 139μm (0.0001mm) long, and there’s a tiny beetle which is less than 1 mm long. Given the minute size of these animals, who knows what we have yet to discover.
Here is a selection of the smallest vertebrate animals on earth. Some people think the smallest animals are the shortest in height, or length, or the lightest. Which ever way you measure them these really are some amazing little animals.

Pygmy Marmoset

Pygmy Marmoset

The Pygmy Marmoset or Dwarf Monkey (Cebuella pygmaea) is the world’s smallest monkey. It is native to the rainforest canopies of Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. It is one of the smallest primates, and the smallest true monkey, with its body length ranging from 14 to 16cm (excluding the 15 to 20cm tail). Males weigh around 140g, and females only 120g. They weigh only 15g at the time of birth. The lifespan of these monkeys is 11 to 16 years. They usually give birth to twins.

Madame Berthe's Mouse Lemur

Madame Berthe's Mouse Lemur

The smallest primate is the Madame Berthe's Mouse Lemur (Microcebus berthae), found in Madagascar, with an average body length of 92 mm and weight of around 30g. It is found in the Kirindy Mitea National Park in Western Madagascar.

Pygmy Rabbit

Pygmy Rabbit

The Pygmy Rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is the smallest rabbit. It is found in North America. The adult pygmy rabbit weighs about 400g having a body length of 24cm to 29cm; females are slightly larger than males. They are generally limited to areas on deep soils with tall, dense sagebrush which they use for cover and food. Extensive, well-used runways interlace sage thickets and provide travel and escape routes from predators.


The Paedocypris (Paedocypris) is the smallest fish, at only 7.9mm in length. This is also considered as the smallest vertebrate. It is found in the peat swamp forests of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island and can survive extreme drought in part due to their small size (just 7.9 mm long at maturity). Much of their habitat is acid water, with pH as low as 2.9. The members of the genus are thought to be highly endangered.

Gold Frog

Gold Frog
The smallest frog in the Southern Hemisphere is the Gold or Brazilian Frog (Psyllophryne Didactyla). Adult Gold Frogs measure grow to only 9.8 millimetres in body length (with legs drawn in). Equally small is the smallest frog in the Northern Hemisphere, only recently discovered (1996) in Monte Iberia, Cuba. It doesn't have a common name yet, but its scientific name is Eleutherodactylus iberia.

Slender Blind Snakes

The Slender Blind Snakes or Thread Snakes (Leptotyphlopidae) are a family of snakes thought to be the world’s smallest snakes at about 11cm in length. They are found in North and South America, Africa, and Asia. There are 87 different species of these snakes. They are adapted to burrowing, feeding on ants and termites. Their diet consists mostly of termites or ants, their larvae and pupae. Most species suck out the contents of insect bodies and discard the skin.

Kitti's Hog-nosed Bat

The Kitti's Hog-nosed Bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai), or Bumblebee Bat from Thailand and Burma is the smallest bat, at 30–40mm in length and 1.5 to 2g in weight. It is about the same size as a bumblebee and has a distinctive pig-like snout, hence its different common names. It lives in limestone caves along rivers. Colonies range greatly in size, with an average of 100 individuals per cave. The bat feeds during short activity periods in the evening and dawn, foraging around nearby forest areas for insects. Females give birth annually to a single offspring. Although the bat's status in Burma is not well-known, the Thai population is restricted to a single province and may be at risk for extinction. Its potential threats are primarily anthropogenic, and include habitat degradation and the disturbance of roosting sites.

Etruscan shrew

Etruscan Shrew

The Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus), also known as the Etruscan Pygmy Shrew or the White-toothed Pygmy Shrew weighs only 1.2 to 2.7g so could be considered the world’s smallest mammal, although it is slightly longer than the Bumblebee Bat at 36 to 53mm from its head to the base of the tail. The Etruscan Shrew inhabits forests and brush areas between Southern Asia and Southern Europe. This shrew has a lifespan of 15 months. A forager, it subsists largely upon insects. It’s heart beats 14 times per second. The shrew's brain is the largest in ratio to its body weight of all animals, larger than even a human's.

Bee Hummingbird

Bee Humming bird
The Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) is the smallest bird and the smallest warm-blooded vertebrate.. It is also known as Cuban bee as it is found mostly in Cuba. It measures 5.7cm in length and 1.8g in weight. The Bee Hummingbird is said to eat half its total body mass and drink eight times its total body mass each day. We cannot see its wings while flying as it flaps its wings 90 times per second. The heartbeat of this bird is 1,260 times. The size of its nest measures 2cm wide and 3cm deep. Its eggs are smaller than coffee grounds.
Hummingbirds are capable of doing something that no other birds can, find out what in our Animals A-Z section.

Speckled Padloper Tortoise

No Image
The world's smallest turtle is the Speckled Padloper Tortoise (Homopus signatus) from South Africa. The males measure 6–8cm, while females measure up to almost 10cm.

Biggest animals

Blue whale
Animals take many shapes and forms and come in a great diversity of sizes. Some may think the biggest animal is the heaviest, others the longest, or the tallest. Whichever way you measure size there’s no denying that some animals are absolutely huge.
                More on the top 10 biggest animals


Animals take many shapes and forms and come in a great diversity of sizes.
Some may think the biggest animal is the heaviest, others the longest, or the tallest. Whichever way you measure size there’s no denying that some animals are absolutely huge. Here is a selection of the biggest animals on earth.
Watch our

Blue Whale

Blue whale
The Blue whale is the largest animal of all time, reaching a weight of about 180 tonnes and a length of 30m. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant and their hearts as much as a car.
Learn how many litres of its mothers milk a baby whale can drink in one day in the Blue Whales section in our Animals A-Z.

African Elephant

The largest living land animal is the African elephant which can weigh up to 6,350kg and a length of 10.6 m from trunk to tail with a shoulder height of 4.2m.
Find out what elephants have in common with cetaceans, magpies, humans and other primates in our Animals A-Z section.

Brown Bear

grizzly bear
The brown bear and polar bear are the largest living land carnivores having the weight of 1 ton and height of 3m.
Read more facts and watch videos on bears in our Animals A-Z section.

Saltwater Crocodile

salt water crocodile
The largest living reptile is saltwater crocodile with a length of 5 m. The largest recorded crocodile had a weight of 1,900 kg and 6.3 m length.


Having 5.8 m height the giraffe is considered as the tallest living animal on earth. Its weight is approximately 2,000 kg.
Find out how long giraffes sleep each day in our Animals A-Z section.



Common Ostrich
The Ostrich is the largest living bird having a height of 2.7 m and a weight of 156 kg.
Learn how ostriches manage without teeth in our Animals A-Z section!

Chinese Giant Salamander

Chinese Giant Salamander
Photo by Loren Javier
The Chinese giant salamander is the largest living amphibian having a weight of 64 kg and 1.83 m length.

Whale Shark

Whale Shark
Photo by PhotonQuantique
The Whale shark is the largest living fish having a length of 13.6 m and weighing in at 22,000 kg.

Colossal Squid


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The Colossal Squid is the largest invertebrate which attains the maximum size of 14m long. The largest recorded size of colossal squid was measured 10 m long with a weight of 494 kg.

Goliath Beetle

goliath beetle
The Goliath beetle is the heaviest insect having a weight of 115g and a length of 11.5cm.


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